The Princeton thesis of John Kemeny, written in 1949, was devoted to the relation between Zermelo set theory and type theory. For example, early in the thesis, there is a proof of the consistency of the simple theory of types relative to the consistency of a small fragment (nowadays known as KF) of Bounded Zermelo set theory. The comprehension scheme in KF is limited to stratifiable instances of bounded comprehension. KF was explicitly introduced and studied by Kaye and Forster in their 1991 paper in JSL entitled "End-extensions Preserving Power Set" (JSTOR).
For more detail, see subsection 8.0 of Mathias' Strength of Mac Lane Set Theory (APAL, 2001,; indeed Mathias further discusses Kemeny's thesis in detail towards the end of section 8 of his paper.
Based on Mathias' account, it is clear that, conceptually, Kemeny "knew about" bounded Zermelo set theory, but it is not clear to me whether he explicitly formulated any fragments of Zermelo set theory.