For a positive integer $k$, let $d(k)$ be the number of divisors of $k$. So $d(1)=1$, $d(p)=2$ if $p$ is a prime, $d(6)=4$, and $d(12)=6$.
What are the precise asymptotics of $\sum_{k=1}^n 1/(k d(k))$?
1) This came up on the side in the polymath5 project.
2) There, Tim Gowers wrote: If nobody knows the answer, maybe that’s one for MathOverflow, where I imagine a few minutes would be enough.
3) Asked: 14:17 Jerusalem time. (The first accurate answer: 17:44 Jerusalem time.)
4) Looking only at primes or only at integers with a typical number of divisors suggested a $\log\log n$ behavior, but looking at semiprimes indicates the sum is larger. I don't know how much larger.
5) I couldn't find an answer on the web. If there is an easy way searching for an answer that I missed this will be interesting too.
Follow up:
Great answers! Thanks. What about the sum $\sum_{k=1}^n 1/(kd^2(k))$ ?
$\sum_n 1/(n d(n)^2)$
should be $\sim C (\log x)^{1/4}$, since if $p$ is prime, $d(p) = 2$. $\endgroup$