Let $g$ be analytic in $\mathbb{D}$, continuous on $\overline{\mathbb{D}}$ such that $\int \int_{\mathbb{D}} |g'|^2=\infty$. It is well-known that such functions exist (the disc algebra is not contained in the Dirichlet space).
We can assume that $\operatorname{Re} g>0$ and $ | \operatorname{Im} g |<\pi/2$ on $\mathbb{D}$.
Then let $f$ such that $f'=e^g$. Since $|\arg{f'}|=|\operatorname{Im}g|<\pi/2$, we have that $\operatorname{Re}f'>0$ on $\mathbb{D}$, which is enough to conclude that $f$ maps $\mathbb{D}$ conformally onto some Jordan domain $G$ (see e.g. Pommerenke's book Boundary behaviour of conformal maps, Proposition 1.1).
Also, $\arg{f'}=\operatorname{Im}g$ is continuous on $\overline{\mathbb{D}}$, and so $\partial G$ is $C^1$ by Theorem 3.2 in Pommerenke's book.
$\int \int_{\mathbb{D}} |f''|^2=\int \int_{\mathbb{D}}|g'e^g|^2 \geq \int \int_{\mathbb{D}}|g'|^2 = \infty,$
since $|e^g|=e^{\operatorname{Re}g}>1$.