Let $A$ be a $n \times n$ matrix over field $F$. Let $a_1, \cdots, a_n$ be the column vectors of $A$. For any subset $S \subseteq [n] = \{1, 2, \cdots, n\}$, let $a_S = \sum_{i \in S} a_i$. Alon's celebrated permanent lemma states that if the permanent of $A$ is nonzero, then for any $b \in F^n$ there is some set $S$ such that $a_S$ and $b$ differs in all coordinates.
Let $v_S = \prod_{i=1}^n (a_{S,i} - b_i)$. Then $v_S \neq 0$ iff $a_S$ and $b$ differ in all coordinates. By attempting to prove the lemma by my own, I discovered this identity. $$\sum_{S \subseteq [n]} (-1)^{n-|S|} v_S = \operatorname{perm} A$$ So $\operatorname{perm} A \neq 0$ immediately implies the existence of some $v_S \neq 0$. Note that the formula of left-hand side depends on $b$.
If we are working on a field with absolute value, then the absolute value of $v_S$ measures the difference between $a_S$ and $b$ in coordinates. For example, there is a set $S$ with $|v_S| \geq (\operatorname{perm} A) / 2^n$. The bound is tight for $A = I_n$ and $b = (1/2, \cdots, 1/2)$. This gives a quantitative version of permanent lemma.
Given the simplicity of the identity, I believe that it should had been noticed by other mathematicians. In what literature can I find observations about this identity? Are there any generalizations or applications around this idea?