Let $T$ be a positive distribution. We will show $T$ defines a Radon measure.
For any compact subset $K\subset\Omega$, there exists a constant $C:=T(\eta_K)$, such that for all $\phi\in C_c^\infty(K)$,
$$T(\phi)\leq C\lVert\phi\rVert_{C^0} <\infty,$$
where $\eta_K\in C_c^\infty(\Omega)$ is some positive cut-off on $K$. (Since $\lVert\phi\rVert_{C^0}\cdot\eta_K-\phi\geq0$ and $T$ is positive.) This means that $T$ has order $0$ by the definition of order of distributions.
For any $\phi \in C_c(\Omega)$, we can find a sequence $\phi_n \in C^{\infty}_c(\Omega)$ with compact support in a fixed compact neighborhood $K$ of the support of $\phi$ such that
$$\lVert\phi-\phi_n\rVert_{C^0}\to 0,\quad n\to \infty.$$
Then we have
$$\lvert T(\phi_n) - T(\phi_m)\rvert = \lvert T(\phi_n-\phi_m)\rvert\le C\lVert(\phi_n-\phi_m)\rVert_{C^0}\to 0.$$
So $\lim T(\phi_n)$ exists by the completeness of real numbers. Define $T(\phi):= \lim T(\phi_n)$. This is independent of the choice of $\{\phi_n\}$ since if we have another such sequence $\{\psi_n\}$, then
\lvert T(\phi_n) - T(\psi_n)\rvert &= \lvert T(\phi_n-\psi_n)rvert\le C\lVert(\phi_n-\psi_n)\rVert_{C^0}\\
&\le C\lVert(\phi_n-\phi)\rVert_{C^0}+C\lVert(\psi_n-\phi)\rVert_{C^0}\to 0,
thus $T(\phi)$ is well-defined. Thus $T$ can be extended to $C_c(\Omega)$ and so, by Riesz's Theorem (cf. Folland's Real Analysis, Theorem 7.2), it is a Radon measure.