I don't know if this is an elementary question or not. In what follows all maps are continuous
Suppose that $P:\mathbb{C}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ is a complex polynomial of degree $d>1$ and let $\mu$ be its invariant ergodic measure of maximal entropy. Now let $\Phi:\mathbb{C}\rightarrow S$ be a surjective map (also injective outside some real algebraic set) where $S\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ and take $Q:S\rightarrow S$. Let $\nu=\Phi_*(\mu)$ and let $\Psi:S\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ be injective such that $\Phi\circ\Psi=Id_S$.
Suppose we have following relations $$\Phi\circ P=Q\circ\Phi,$$ and $$\Psi\circ Q=P\circ\Psi.$$
So my qestion is: Does it hold $h_{\mu}(P)=h_{\nu}(Q)$?
It is basic fact that $h_{\mu}(P)\geq h_{\nu}(Q)$, so proving other way around is trickier.