Does anybody knows a reference for the following statement?
Let $S^1$ acts on $\mathbb{C}^n$ in the usual (diagonal) way and $f:\mathbb{C}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ a smooth $S^1$-invariant function defined in a neighborhood of $0$ with a non-degenerate critical point at 0. Then, there exists a local $S^1$-equivariant diffeomorphism $\Phi:U\to V\subset \mathbb{C}^n$ such that
$$f(\Phi(z_1,\ldots,z_n))=|z_1|^2+\cdots+|z_p|^2-|z_{p+1}|^2-\cdots-|z_n|^2$$ It looks like Moser's proof of Morse lemma extends easily to this version, but I would be happy to know a place where it is actually done. Thanks for any help.