One of the techniques used to quantifying the size of a point on an elliptic curve is the so called canonical height defined as follow: Let $R=(x,y)∈C(ℚ)$ where $x=(p/d),p,d∈ℤ$. Define the naive or Weil height of $R$ as
Then the canonical height $h$ is defined uniquely as map from $C(ℚ)$ to $ℝ$ by
Gross and Zagier (1983, 1986) proved that if $C$ is a modular elliptic curve over $ℚ$, and $P$ is a the Heegner point then $$f′(1)=c.h(P),c≠0$$ Thus $P$ has infinite order if and only if $f′(1)≠0$. More generally, Gross, Kohnen & Zagier (1987) showed that Heegner points could be used to construct rational points on the curve for each positive integer $n$, and the heights of these points were the coefficients of a modular form of weight $3/2$.
Assume that (this is just an assumption and it is never proved) the analytic rank $m≥2$ verify this equation: $$f^{(m)}(1)=v.h(S)$$ where $S$ is a rational point of infinite order and $v≠0$ is a real number. My question is: Can we use this formula to construct rational points on the curve $C$?