Consider two functions $\alpha,\beta: \mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$, where $\alpha$ is given and we look for solutions $\beta$ such that
$$*(d\alpha \wedge d\beta) = \lambda \beta$$
for some $\lambda \in \mathbb{R}$ and where $d$ is the exterior derivative, $*$ is the Hodge star operator, which turns the 2-form $d\alpha \wedge d\beta$ into a 0-form.
Formulated differently, I am looking for eigensolutions of the operator
$$D_{\alpha}(\cdot) := *(d\alpha \wedge d(\cdot))$$
on the space of 0-forms (possibly under some restriction for the domain).
Is this a well posed problem?
If so, what are methods to find solutions in this language of exterior calculus?
Can someone give an example for a simple, but non-trivial $\alpha$?