I wanted to know if there are any computations of cohomology groups $H^n(\Gamma,A^{(\Gamma)})$ in the literature for certain $n\in\mathbb{N}$, Abelian groups $A$, and infinite groups $\Gamma$.
Here $A^{(\Gamma)}$ is the direct sum of copies of $A$ (one for each $g\in\Gamma$) and $\Gamma$ acts on $A^{(\Gamma)}$ via $(g.\xi)_h = \xi_{h g}$ for $\xi\in A^{(\Gamma)}$ and $g,h\in\Gamma$. Moreover, the cohomology theory under consideration is the (classical Eilenberg-MacLane) group cohomology of $\Gamma$ with coefficients in $A^{(\Gamma)}$.