Recently I was reading an interesting proof for Bohr's lemma by the tool of hyperbolic metric, however I have a following question:
Given a holomorphic map $f$ on $D$, $f(0)=0$, and $|f|<1$ on $D_{r}=\{|z|<r\}$ and $|f|=1$ somewhere on $\partial D_{r}$. Denote $\rho_{U}$ as the hyperbolic metric in $U$
We define $U=f(D)$ and let
$$R=\sup\{{T:\{|z|=T\}\subset U}\}.$$
I do not know how to deduce the following fact: For any $w\in U$ with $|w|\geq R$, we have the following estimate: $$\rho_{U}(w)\geq \frac{c}{|w|},$$ where $c$ is a constant doesn't depend on choice of $f$.
Any comments and reference will be greatly appreaciated.n