Let's say I have my favorite finite dimensional algebra $A$, and favorite module $T$. Now assume that the reason $T$ is my favorite module is that it has a cool property:
- there is an injection $A\to T$ which is a $\mathrm{add}(T)$-approximation (that is, any map of $A$ to a summand of $T$ factors through this map).
- better yet, this map extends to a copresentation $0\to A\to T\to T^m$.
Konig, Slungard and Xi define such a module to have dominant dimension 2. This has one cool consequence, the double centralizer property $A=\mathrm{End}_{\mathrm{End}_A(T)}(T)$.
Does this condition have any other interesting consequences? Has anything other than the KSX paper been written on this? (Looking on Google Scholar at papers referencing theirs didn't turn up much).