In "Residues and Duality" by Hartshorne, the derived tensor $\otimes$ only defined for the bounded above categories (see Chapter II, section 4, p.93), that is one has
$$\otimes: D^{-}(X) \times D^{-}(X) \to D(X), $$ where $X$ is a variety, and $D^{-}(X), D(X)$ are derived category of bounded above complex of $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules and derived category of complex of $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules respectively .
The main reason it is defined for the bounded above complex is that Hartshorne used the fact that every sheaf of module has a flat resolution.
However, why cannot one use the injective resolution for the derived tensor, and defined it for bounded below derived cateogry $D^{+}(X)$?
In fact, the later is the case I need (to be precise, I need $F\otimes : D^{+}(X) \to D(X)$, where $F$ is a sheaf of module), and I checked every conditions for the existence of derived functor, it seems that everything is satisfied.