I'd like to believe that this problem has a positive answer, but I don't know a nice reference. Actually I've never worked with embedded curves, so I apologize in advance if the question is too silly.
All schemes are considered to be of finite type over a perfect field $k$. Let $X$ be a connected regular $k$-scheme (not necessarily proper over $k$). For $n>1$ consider the projective space $\mathbb{P}^n_X = \mathbb{P}^n\times_k X$ and let $C$ be a curve in $\mathbb{P}^n_X$, i.e. an integral $1$-dimensional scheme with a closed embedding $\iota\colon C\to \mathbb{P}^n_X$. Let $C^N$ be the normalization of $C$ and let $\phi\colon C^N\to C$ be the normalization morphism.
QUESTION: is there a positive integer $N$ such that
1) $C^N$ embeds in $\mathbb{P}^n_X\times_k \mathbb{P}^N_k = X\times_k \mathbb{P}^n_k\times_k \mathbb{P}^N_k$.
2) the following diagram commutes: \begin{array}{ccc} C^N & \to^{} & X\times_k \mathbb{P}^n_k\times_k \mathbb{P}^N_k \\\ \downarrow^{\phi} & & \downarrow^{\pi}\\\ C & \to^{\iota} & X\times_k \mathbb{P}^n_k \end{array} where the right vertical morphism is (up to reordering the variables) the projection.
Heuristic understanding of the situation: I'm thinking the normalization as the result of successive blow-ups of the original curve, and each blow-up is obtained by attaching a $\mathbb{P}^n$ at the singular point $P$ (the $\mathbb{P}^n$ of the directions of lines passing through $P$) that one uses to separate the branches of $C$ (at least in the case of simple node this description should be accurate). The blow-down morphism is then obtained by contracting all the "extra" $\mathbb{P}^n$.
So, if you like, the problem can be rephrased in the following way: is there a nice way for writing a desingularization for embedded curves by "adding enough variables" to the ambient space?