I am studying TQFT and have a question on one standard property. A remark in Wikipedia (see the link above) says:
If for a closed manifold $M$ we view $Z(M)$ as a numerical invariant, then for a manifold with boundary we should think of $Z(M) ∈ Z(∂M)$ as a "relative" invariant. Let $f : Σ × I → Σ × I$ be an orientation preserving diffeomorphism, and identify opposite ends of $Σ × I$ by $f$. This gives a manifold $Σ_f$ and our axioms imply $$ Z(\Sigma_f)=\text{Trace}\ \Sigma(f) $$ where $Σ(f)$ is the induced automorphism of $Z(Σ)$.
How can one see this formula? A standard way to cut the manifold is to cut it "at the middle" to obtain two manifolds with boundary, each of which is isomorphic to $Σ × I$, but this does not help me get the formula.