Suppose $X=spec\, R$ for some nice ring $R$, and $G$ is a finite group acting on $X$ freely, then I can write the quotient as $Y=spec\, R^G$.
Now what if $X$ is defined as relative $\mathbf{Spec}$ or $\mathbf{Proj}$ over some scheme $A$? For example, suppose $X=\mathbf{Spec}_A\, R$ for some sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_A$-algebras $R$, and I have group actions defined by $T_g^*R\to R$ over $A$ ($G$ is also acting on $A$ freely) for each group element $g\in G$. Then $G$ is acting on the total space $X=\mathbf{Spec}_A\, R$. Then is it possible to write the quotient $Y=X/G$ as a relative spectrum of some invariant subsheaf of $R$?.