Descent cohomology for a comonad is defined at degrees 0 and 1 by Mesablishvili in his paper "On Descent Cohomology" (as well as by many other authors in many other contexts). For a comonad $\bot$ on a category $\mathcal{B}$ and a $\bot$-comodule $b$ with structure map $\theta$, he says that the 0th cohomology of $(b,\theta)$ is the group of comodule automorphisms $(b,\theta)\to (b,\theta)$. The 1st descent cohomology is the pointed set of isomorphism classes of $\bot$-comodule structures on $b$, if I'm reading him correctly. Mesablishvili goes on to show that if the comonad is the free-forgetful one on the category of $\top$-algebras for some monad $\top$, one can compute the descent cohomology of that comonad in terms of a certain Amitsur cohomology associated to the monad $\top$.
Many parts of this generalize quite nicely to the case of $\infty$-categories. Does anyone know if someone (I'm thinking Jacob Lurie primarily) has defined a similar sort of descent cohomology in the case of comonads on $\infty$-categories? I feel like this sort of thing could be somewhere in DAG or Higher Algebra. I believe that the analog is most certainly true in the homotopical setting, and that this is probably known to many experts. I only wonder if it's written down anywhere. If not, I guess I'll write it down.