The entirety of sections 8--12 (apart from 10) of EGA IV is devoted to fleshing out in remarkably exhaustive and elegant generality the entire yoga of "spreading out and specialization" of which this question is but a special case. Highly recommended reading; it is used (implicitly, if not explicitly) all the time when people prove theorems in algebraic geometry by specialization. This includes proving results over $\mathbf{C}$ by "reduction to the case of positive characteristic or finite fields" (e.g., Mori, Deligne-Illusie) as well as construction of moduli spaces of stable curves by digging out subschemes of Hilbert schemes, etc.
Here is a nifty little exercise to test one's understanding of the EGA formalism: if $X$ and $Y$ are schemes of finite type over a field $k$ and if there is an extension field $K/k$ such that there is a $K$-morphism $f:X _K \rightarrow Y _K$ with any "reasonable" property $\mathbf{P}$ then there is such a morphism with $K/k$ a finite extension; here, "reasonable" can be lots of things: isomorphism, surjective, open immersion, closed immersion, finite flat of degree 42, a semistable curve fibration, smooth, proper and flat with geometric fibers having 12 irreducible components which intersect according to such-and-such configuration and dimensions, and so on. The point is that the initial $f$ is certainly not descended to a finite subextension of the initial
$K/k$, and if you made the construction over such an extension and extended scalars back up to the original $K$ then it has absolutely nothing to do with the original $f$.
On the topic of specialization for morphisms, I can't resist mentioning a useful fact which is not a formal consequence of that general stuff: if $A$ and $B$ are abelian varieties over a field $k$ then there exists a finite (even separable) extension $k'/k$ such that (loosely speaking) "all homomorphisms from $A$ to $B$" are defined over $k'$. This means that if $K/k'$ is any extension field whatsoever, then every $K$-homomorphism $A_K \rightarrow B_K$ is defined over $k'$. (Quick proof: the locally finite type Hom-scheme has finitely generated group of geometric points, and is unramified by functorial criterion, so it is \'etale since we are over a field.) There is nothing like this for general (even proper smooth) varieties; just think about automorphisms of projective space.