Well, the paper of Sullivan is still unpuplished. Moreover it is from Oct. 1994, as he states on the website mentioned in the other reply.
But there is a German couple, Gerd and Roswitha Blind, who published in the span of 2 decades before already a much more encompassing result: the class of polytopes, all facets of which are regular polytopes. They provide an explicite list of all those, except of the enumeration of the very numerous such diminishings of the 600-cell.
Here are their published references (most of those in German):
- "Die konvexen Polytope im R^4, bei denen alle Facetten reguläre Tetraeder sind", G. Blind and R. Blind, Mh. Math 89 (1980) 87-93, Springer-Verlag (already submitted July 1979)
- "Konvexe Polytope mit kongruenten regulären (n-1)-Seiten im R^n (n>=4)", R. Blind, Comment. Math. Helvetici 54 (1979) 304-308, Birkhäuser Verlag Basel
- "Über die Symmetriegruppen von regulärseitigen Polytopen", G. Blind and R. Blind, Mh. Math. 108 (1989) 103-114, Springer-Verlag
- "The semiregular polytopes", G. Blind and R. Blind, Comment. Math. Helvetici 66 (1991) 150-154, Birkhäuser Verlag Basel
--- rk