Let $M$ be a simply connected smooth compact four manifold. Now I am trying to find an example such that
(1) there is two symplectic forms $\omega$ and $\sigma$ on $M$, and
(2) the intersection product $[\omega] \cdot [\sigma]$ is zero.
Obviously, if we drop the condition "simply connectedness", then four-dimensional compact torus $T^4$ satisfies the above condition. (Set $\omega = dx_1 \wedge dx_2 + dx_3 \wedge dx_4$ and $\sigma = dx_1 \wedge dx_3 + dx_4 \wedge dx_2.$) Also, it is not hard to show that there is no such example if $M$ is simply connected and $b_2^+(M) = 1$.
How about the case when $b_2^+(M) > 1$?
Thank you in advance.