We use $N^+$ to denote the set of positive integers. For any finite array $A:(a_1,b_1),...,(a_k,b_k)$, where every $(a_i,b_i)\in N^+\times N^+$, we call $A$ is good if for every $i\in \{a_1,b_1,...,a_k,b_k\}$, $i$ appears exactly two times in $a_1,b_1,...,a_k,b_k$. For example, $A_1:(1,1)$,$A_2:(1,2),(1,2)$ and $A_3:(1,2),(2,1)$ are all good, but $A_4:(1,2),(1,3)$ is not good. Moreover we call a good array $A$ is compact if there does not exist a proper sub-array of $A$ which is good. For example,$A:(1,2),(3,4),(2,1),(4,3)$ is good but not compact, because $(1,2),(2,1)$ is a proper sub-array of $A$ which is also good.
We define a good $N^+$-cycle $C=a_1$-$a_2$-...-$a_n$-$a_1$ is a "diamond necklace" such that every "diamond" $a_i$ is a positive integer and appears exactly two times in $a_1,a_2,...,a_n$. For example,$1$-$2$-$3$-$1$-$2$-$3$-$1$ is a good $N^+$-cycle. I conjecture that for every $N^+$-cycle $C=a_1$-$a_2$-...-$a_n$-$a_1$, there must exist $1\leq i_1<i_2<...i_k\leq n$ such that
$(1)i_2-i_1\geq 2,...,i_k-i_{k-1}\geq 2,i_1+n-i_k\geq 2$;
$(2)(a_{i_1},a_{i_2-1}),(a_{i_2},a_{i_3-1})...,(a_{i_{k-1}},a_{i_k-1}),(a_{i_k},a_{i_1-1})$$($when $i_1=1$,let $a_{i_1-1}=a_0=a_n$$)$ is a compact good array.
$($Remark: just like cut the "diamond necklace" into $k$ paragraphs: $(a_{i_1}$-$a_{i_1+1}$-...-$a_{i_2-1})$-$(a_{i_2}$-$a_{i_2+1}$-...-$a_{i_3-1})$-...-$(a_{i_{k-1}}$-$a_{i_{k-1}+1}$-...-$a_{i_k-1})$-$(a_{i_k}$-$a_{i_k+1}$-...-$a_{i_1-1})$-$)$
Is it true?