So we assume we know only the marginals $p(x_i)$ and the probabilities that $p(x_i=x_j)$. In terms of the physics' "spin" notation, $s_i=\pm 1$, this means that we know $\left<s_i \right> \equiv \sum_{s_i} s_i p(s_i)$ and $\left<s_i s_j \right> \equiv \sum_{s_i s_j} s_i s_j p(s_i,s_j)$.
There are many different joint probability distributions $p(s) \equiv p(s_1, \ldots, s_N)$ that have these single node and pairwise statistics. Indeed Egosphere only asks for some distribution.
One common approach to model distributions with partial knowledge in the form of constraints is to consider a special distribution, namely the maximum entropy (maxent) distribution.
Here, the maxent distribution $p^*(s)$ maximizes the entropy
H = -\sum_{s} p^*(s) \log p^*(s)
under the constraints $$\sum_{s_i} s_i p^*(s_i) = \left<s_i \right> \forall i~\mbox{and}~ \sum_{s_i s_j} s_i s_j p^*(s_i,s_j) = \left<s_i s_j \right> \forall i<j.$$
Using Lagrange multipliers $w = \{w_i, w_{ij} \}$, it can be shown that this distribution has the following parametrized form
$$p(s|w) = \frac{1}{Z(w)} \exp(\sum_i w_i s_i + \sum_{i<j} w_{ij} s_{i} s_{j})$$
Such a distribution is known as a "Boltzmann Machine" (BM). The parameters $w$ are called weights.
The maxent distribution $p^*(s)=p(s|w^*)$ has optimal weights $w^*$, which are such that the constraints are satisfied:
$$\left<s_i \right>_{w^*} = \left<s_i \right> ~\mbox{and}~\left<s_i s_j \right>_{w^*} = \left<s_i s_j \right>,$$
with notation $\left< s_i \right>_w \equiv \sum_{s_i} s_i p(s_i|w)$ etc.
These constraint equations can also be interpreted as the stationary equations $\nabla L(w) = 0$ of the loglikelihood $$L(w) = \sum_s p(s) \log p(s|w),$$ which can be written equivalently as $$L(w) = \sum_i w_i \left<s_i \right> + \sum_{i<j} w_{ij} \left<s_i s_j \right> - \log(Z(w)).$$ As a consequence, weights can be found by maximizing $L(w)$. E.g. gradient ascent leads to the well known Boltzmann Machine learning rule.
\Delta w_i = \eta \frac{\partial}{\partial w_i} L(w) = \eta (\left<s_i \right>-\left<s_i \right>_w)
\Delta w_{ij} = \eta \frac{\partial}{\partial w_{ij}} L(w) = \eta( \left<s_i s_j \right>-\left<s_i s_j \right>_w)
The optimal weights are unique because $L(w)$ is concave. To see this, consider the matrix of second derivatives of $\log Z(w)$. This matrix has the form of a covariance matrix, which is positive definite. Therefore $\log Z(w)$ is convex and $L(w)$ is concave. However, finding the optimal $w^*$ can still be demanding since the computation of e.g. $\left<s_i \right>_w$, $\left<s_i s_j \right>_w$ or $Z(w)$ require the summation over exponentially many states.
Sampling from a BM can be done by e.g. Gibbs sampling. The nice thing with Gibbs sampling in BM is that computing a probability of a single spin $s_i$ given the others $s_{\{j \neq i\}}$ is computationally cheap
p(s_i | s_{\{j \neq i\}}) \propto \exp( (w_i + \sum_{j < i} w_{ji} s_j + \sum_{j>i} w_{ij} s_j ) s_i )
An introductory page about BMs is e.g.
An interesting reference about the duality between statistics $\{\left<s_i \right>_w, \left<s_i s_j \right>_w\}$ and weights $\{w_i, w_{ij}\}$ is chapter 3 in
M. J. Wainwright and M. I. Jordan (2008). Graphical models, exponential families, and variational inference. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, Vol. 1, Numbers 1--2, pp. 1--305, December 2008
I hope this is of some use,