For an arbitray dualizing complex (not necessary balanced), I am going to prove the following version of local duality theorem. I will be grateful for any comments and corrections. Notations and concepts are refered to Here.
Theorem: Let $A$ be a connected graded Noetherian algebra, and let $R\in D(A^e)$ be a dualizing complex (not necessary balanced). Then for any $X\in D^b_{fg}(A)$, the natural morphism
\theta: R\Gamma_{\mathfrak{m}} (X) \to R\text{Hom}_{A^o}(R\text{Hom}_A(X,R),R\Gamma_{\mathfrak{m}}(R))
is an isomorphism in $D(A)$.
Proof of the Theorem: Firestly choose an injective resolution $X\to I$ in $K^+(A)$, and also choose an injective resolution $R\to E$ in $K^+(A^e)$. Then one knows that $A^o$-modules occures in $\text{Hom}_A(A/A_{\geq n},E)$ and $\Gamma_\mathfrak{m}(E)$ are all injective.
So for any $n\geq 1$ we get a commutative diagram in $K(A)$:
\text{Hom}_A(A/A_{\geq n},I) & \xrightarrow{f_n} & \text{Hom}_{A^o}(\text{Hom}_A(I,E),\text{Hom}_A(A/A_{\geq n},E))\\
\downarrow_{p_n} & & \downarrow_{q_n}\\
\Gamma_\mathfrak{m}(I) & \xrightarrow{g} & \text{Hom}_{A^o}(\text{Hom}_A(I,E),\Gamma_\mathfrak{m}(E)),
where all $p_n,q_n,f_n,g$ are the canonical jomomorphisms of complexes.
Note that $\lim_{n\to \infty} p_n$ and $\lim_{n\to \infty} f_n$ are all quasi-isomorphisms. So to prove that $g$ is a quasi-isomorphism it quivalent to show that $\lim_{n\to\infty}q_n$ is a quasi-isomorphism.
Since $H^i(\text{Hom}_A(I,E))$ is finitely generated and vanishes when $|i|\gg0$, one can choose a resolution $P\xrightarrow{\sim} \text{Hom}_A(I,E)$ in $D(A^o)$ such that $P$ is bounded above and all $P_i$ are finitely generated pojective $A^o$-modules. Again we have a commutative diagram in $K(A)$:
\text{Hom}_{A^o}(\text{Hom}_A(I,E),\text{Hom}_A(A/A_{\geq n},E)) &\xrightarrow{u_n} & \text{Hom}_{A^o}(P,\text{Hom}_A(A/A_{\geq n},E))\\
\downarrow_{q_n} & & \downarrow_{r_n}\\
\text{Hom}_{A^o}(\text{Hom}_A(I,E),\Gamma_\mathfrak{m}(E)) & \xrightarrow{v} & \text{Hom}_{A^o}(P,\Gamma_\mathfrak{m}(E)),
Where $r_n,u_n,v$ are the natural homomorphism of complexes.
Now note that $\lim_{n\to \infty} u_n$ and $v$ are quasi-isomorphisms. From the fact that $\text{Hom}_{A^o}(P,-)$ commutes with direct limits of complexes with a common lower lound, one obtains that $\lim_{n\to \infty} r_n$ is a quasi-isomorphism, and so is $\lim_{n\to\infty}q_n$ too. Therefore the cononical homomorphism $g$ is a quasi-isomorphism.
At last, the construction of $\theta$ tells that it is an isomorphism in $D^+(A)$.