This concerns an assertion of Sy Friedman in [1], Lemma 2, which claims that, under certain conditions, if $\beta$ is not 0 and not $\Sigma_1$-stable in $\alpha$, i.e. $L_\beta\prec_1 L_\alpha$, then $\beta$ is in the $\Sigma_1$ Skolem-hull of some $\beta'+1$ in $L_\alpha$, for $\beta'<\beta$. This is used to show that the least $\beta$ such that $y\in L_\beta$ (for some fixed $y$) is 0 or $\Sigma_1$-stable in $\alpha$.
The conditions are that $L_\alpha\vDash V=HC$. This allows that Skolem hulls of arbitrary subsets of $L_\alpha$ are transitive, so the above mentioned $\Sigma_1$ hull of $\beta'+1$ is equal to the hull of $\{\beta'\}$. We also have $\Sigma_1$ Skolem functions, so the Skolem hulls are the ranges of the Skolem functions as we would like.
After looking at the apparently simple assertion for some time I can't see why this should be true, and Asaf, who appears to be trying to get me onto Mathoverflow for some reason, said I should post it!
[1] Friedman, S.D. "Parameter-free uniformisation", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 136, No. 9, 3327-3330 (2008), MR2407099, Zbl 1145.03030.