Let V be a finitely generated vector space with dimension(V) = $n \in \mathbb{N}>1$. Now let T: $ V \to V$ be a map such that $\forall \hat{v},\hat{w} \in V$, $\; T(\hat{v}+\hat{w}) \neq T(\hat{v})+T(\hat{w})$.So if $\chi(V,V)$ be the collection of mappings with the property that T has, then what I'm looking for is a subset $G \subset \chi(V,V) $ such that there is a function $\lambda: G \times G \to G$ and a function ${i}: G \to G $ with the following (4) properties:
$\forall A,B \in G,\; \lambda(A,B) \in G \;$ (closure)
$\exists E \in G$ such that $\forall A \in G,\; \lambda(A,E)=\lambda(E,A)=A \;$ (identity)
$\forall A \in G,\; \exists A^{-1} \in G \;$ such that $\lambda(A, A^{-1})=\lambda( A^{-1},A)=E \; $ (inverse)
$\forall A,B,C \in G, \; \lambda(A,\lambda(B,C))= \lambda(\lambda(A,B),C) \;$ (associativity)
And to clarify, ${i}(A) = A^{-1} \; (\forall A \in G)$. Can someone show an example(or two)of such a collection of operators(and a binary function) that satisfy these properties?