Let $a$ be an integer, $p$ a prime (much) greater than $a$, and $\chi$ a Dirichlet character. There is an abundant literature on the sums $$S(\chi,a)=\sum_{i=1}^a \chi(i),$$ called short (or incomplete) character sums, and their average in various sense. Yet I have not found in this literature an answer to the following specific question (perhaps because of its very abundance):
Let us form the average of the modulus of $S(\chi,a)$ over $p$; that is, let's define: $$AS(p,a) = \frac{1}{p-1} \sum_{\chi} |S(\chi,a)|,$$ where the sum is over the $p-1$ Dirichlet characters mod $p$. An easy upper bound for $AS(p,a)$, namely $$AS(p,a) \leq \sqrt{a}$$ can be obtained by applying Cauchy-Schwarz.
Is this upper bound essentially the best possible? Precisely, is it true or false that $AS(p,a)=o(\sqrt{a}),$ uniformly in $p >a$? (And what if one restricts to the domain where $p$ is not too large, say $p < a^K$ for some fixed constant $K$ -- so that the character sums are not too short?)
I have done some numerical experimenta, which are not really conclusive in what sense or another. I might very well have overlooked some paper in the literature treating this question. Thanks for any idea, guess, conjecture, proof or reference...
PS: here is the proof of the trivial upper bound: $AS(p,a) \leq \frac{1}{p-1} \sqrt{(p-1) \sum_{\chi} |S(\chi,a)|^2}$ by Cauchy-Schwarz, and $\sum_\chi |S(\chi,a)|^2$ can be expanded as $\sum_{\chi,i,j} \chi(i) \overline{\chi(j)}=\sum_{i,j} \sum_\chi \chi(ij^{-1})$ where $i,j$ run from $1$ to $a$ and $ij^{-1}$ is computed modulo $p$; then the sum over $\chi$ is $0$ unless $i=j$ which happens $a$ times, and it this case it is $p-1$, so $\sum_\chi |S(\chi,a)|^2=(p-1)a$, hence $AS(a,p)\leq \sqrt{a}$.