Is there any information known for the Ordinary Generating Function for Mobius? $$ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} {\mu(n)}x^n $$ I know that
It has radius of convergence 1.
Does not have limit as $x\rightarrow 1$.
My question is
Does it have limit as $x\rightarrow \textrm{exp}(i\theta)\neq 1$?
Is there a similar result for $\textrm{exp}(i\theta)\neq 1$ with $$ \sum_{n\leq x}\mu(n)=o(x)$$ i.e. is there a result of this type? $$ \sum_{n\leq x}\mu(n)\textrm{exp}(in\theta) = o(x)$$
EDIT1: Aside from my questions, there are some known results for the OGF for Mobius.
EDIT2: Found a reference for (III)
Reference: Jason P. Bell, Nils Bruin, Michael Coons "Transcendence of generating functions whose coefficients are multiplicative" available at
P. Borwein, T. Erd´elyi, and F. Littman, Polynomials with coefficients from a finite set available at
(I) This function has the unit circle as natural boundary.
(II) This function is a transcendental function.
(III) It is not bounded on any open sector($\{z:|z|<1, z=re^{i\theta}, \alpha<\theta<\beta\}$)of unit disc.
This result (III) together with Baire Category answers my question 1 with a dense set of $\theta$'s, but as Prof Tao mentioned, there can be a possibility that it is bounded for some values of $\theta$.