When doing my language exams for my doctorate, I requested to translate articles relevant to my interests that had not previously been translated, and to be able to do them at home, with the agreement that they would be much more difficult than what you might do on the spot in an exam setting. This was a very enlightening process for me when I did my French exam, and I expect it will be again when I start the German one next week. But I was hoping to make more of a contribution to the community with these translations, rather than them just sitting in a file somewhere at the school.
Does anyone know of a database for downloading and voluntarily submitting translations of math articles? I can't find anything fitting that description online. I expect such a thing would want to be moderated. But my translations are (and will be) good, I'm doing them very carefully, and if they weren't good my professors wouldn't accepted them.
In the meantime, if anyone is interested in an English translation of an article by Weil called "Sur la théorie des formes différentielles attachées à une variété analytique complexe," feel free to contact me and I'll send it. It's actually a letter he wrote to de Rham in 1946.
Also, if anyone is interested in an English translation of a 1977 article by Volker Schneider called "Elliptische Fixpunkte und Drehfaktoren zur Modulgruppe in Quaternionenschiefkörpern über reellquadratischen Zahlkörpern," I should have that done in a couple of weeks.
...but there's gotta be a better way of making one's translations available to those who would benefit from them.
Following a suggestion from @AdeelKhan here is a link where the translation mentioned can be found, as well as a translation of "Elliptische Fixpunkte und Drehfaktoren zur Modulgruppe in Quatemionenschieikörpern über reellquadratischen Zahlkörpern" (Volker Schneider, 1977). http://joequinn.ws.gc.cuny.edu/articles/
My grad school hosted website no longer exists, so that link won't get you anywhere.