Hello All,
I hope I am not abusing the forum here.
I am just trying to understand the efficient implementations of the fast fourier transform. My reading and searching has led me to understand that evaluating a n degree polynomial at the $n^{th}$ roots of unity will lead to the discrete fourier transform.
That is, evaluating '$p(x) = a_o + a_1x + a_2x^2+... $' at the N roots of unity '$\omega_N^n $' will lead to a N element vector $\chi = p(\omega_N^0), p(\omega_N^1), .. p(\omega_N^{N-1})$ which is the DFT of $p$.
I have tried to derive this relationship starting at the definition of the DFT: $\chi_n = \Sigma_{k=0}^{N-1} x_k \omega_N^{kn}$, but I have not been able to extract the stated result.
All the reading I have done so far, mainly in computer science sources, states this as fact without any proof.
Can anybody point out what I am missing, or point me in the direction of a proof or full description?