I have seen some similar questions to this one on here recently, so I hope this isn't redundant. Basically, suppose I have two cofiber sequences of spectra (or perhaps just work in some general homotopy category or something) $X\overset{f}\to Y\to Cf$ and $X'\overset{g}\to Y'\to Cg$. I'd like to look at an induced filtration on $Cf\wedge Cg$ along the lines of the bottom level being $X\wedge X'$, the middle level being something like $(X\wedge Y')\cup (Y\wedge X')$ and the top level being $Y\wedge Y'$, or something along those lines. Or I guess I should say I'd like to have filtration quotients that look like that. Honestly, I'd like to do this all in a cellular context. Intuitively this all seems pretty obvious, but does anyone have a good reference where such a filtration is discussed really rigorously, or a good way to think about it?
Thanks, as always.