Let $\mathcal{S}$ denote the space of Schwartz functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$, and $\mathcal{S}'$ the space of tempered distributions. Let $L$ denote a linear, constant-coefficient, partial differential operator. I would like to know if there is a "simple" proof of solvability for $L$; $\textit{i.e.}$ of the result that for any $f \in \mathcal{S}'$ there is some $u \in \mathcal{S}'$ such that $Lu = f$. I am interested in the result for general $L$, but would be satisfied with a proof that worked for the classical Laplace, wave and heat operators.
Here is what I know so far:
1) If $L$ has a fundamental solution, $G \in \mathcal{S}'$ such that $LG = \delta$ (the Dirac delta), then $Lu = f$ is solvable for any $f$ such that the convolution $f \ast G$ exists (in $\mathcal{S}')$. This is not obviously equivalent to solvability for arbitrary $f$, though a "simple" proof of such equivalence, even for the classical operators, would answer my question.
2) Hormander and Lojasiewicz answered the general problem of solvability affirmatively in 1958. (Any "simple" proof therefore has to be simpler than Hormander's.)
3) Bernstein, in the 1970's, used analytic continuation to show the existence of a fundamental solution $G \in \mathcal{S}'$ for any $L$.
4) There have subsequently been several "simple" proofs of the existence of fundamental solutions, though these are often located in the space $\mathcal{D}'$ of general distributions.
A possible re-statement of my original question is therefore: can Bernstein's method of analytic continuation, or any of the other "simple' proofs of the existence of a fundamental solution, be extended to answer the general solvability problem in $\mathcal{S}'$?