I am seeking a deeper understanding of the representation of set-based objects in terms of Boolean algebras.
Let $\wp(A)$ be the set of subsets of a set $A$. A relation $R \subseteq A \times B$ generates two operators $pre: \wp(B) \to \wp(A)$ and $post: \wp(A) \to \wp(B)$ where $pre$ maps a set $X \subseteq A$ to its preimage with respect to $R$ and $post$ maps $X$ to its image.
In the standard Stone duality between the category of sets and Boolean algebras, a function is represented using the preimage operator. The preimage operator generated by a function turns out to be a Boolean algebra homomorphism but the image operator may not be a homomorphism. I see this as one reason to choose the preimage to represent a function. My first question is: Are there other reasons to choose the preimage representation? I feel like there should be something deeper going on.
If we leave the setting of functions, the preimage operator generated by a relation isn't necessarily a Boolean algebra homomorphism. So, in the representation of a system of relations over a set by a Boolean algebra with operators (in the sense of Jonsson and Tarski) I see no specific motivation for using the preimage, as opposed to image operator. I see why we want to be consistent in convention, and also use the preimage because of its connection to the semantics of modal logic. However, this appears to be an aesthetic choice. My second question is: Is there a specific reason to choose the preimage, rather than image operator, when representing relations as Boolean algebras with operators?