I would like to ask my colleagues their thought on good practices concerning set theorical framework in undergraduate studies. For example, have there been any attempt to use another mathematical formalism, such as ETCS? (for research issues, see this question).
While most, if not all, of our mathematics are thought, done, written using set theory, our younger students seem to struggle with these concepts. Some can well put a $4\times 6$ matrix in row reduced echelon form but plainly do not understand the meaning of a question like "If $A,B$ are two square matrices of size~$n$, prove that $\ker(AB)$ contains $\ker(B)$." The difficulties with $\varepsilon,\delta$ definition of limits may be of a similar nature.
In fact, one may argue that all set theoretical concepts presently are more or less eliminated from the lower levels of mathematical education. One may even argue that it should be so. I remember that each one of the first years of middle school (from 6th grade on, the French and US systems coincide here!) taught me one new definition in set theory; sets and mappings at the age of 11, then equivalence relations, then sets of equivalence classes (to define vectors)... And a few years later, students are taught quotient groups like $\mathbf Z/n\mathbf Z$ as sets of equivalence classes, a definition which they of course take litteraly.
While Set theory is very useful to formalize things, at least once you're used to it, it is true that it allows stupid questions, requires abuses of notations (so that one does not distinguish between the $1$ of $\mathbf Z$ with the $1$ of $\mathbf R$, not forgetting thoses of $\mathbf Q$ and $\mathbf C$). In some sense, modern mathematicians, especially algebraists, speak sets but think categories. This may be related with the fact that the precise definition of the axioms of set theory (ZFC, say) are not so well known among mathematicians, and even not really taught (for example, no mention of the replacement axiom in my own mathematical education). In contrast, a more recent book like Terence Tao's Analysis begins with a precise exposition of these axioms, up to this replacement axiom.
I can't really make my mind between one attitude and the opposite. So what do you think?