I have a question on an argument in this survey.
Let $A$ be a commutative Noetherian ring, $A[x_1,...,x_m, y_1,...,y_p]$ be the bigraded algebra over $A$, with deg$x_i=(1,0)$, deg$(y_j)=(d_j,1)$.
Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a finitely generated bigraded module over $A[x_1,...,x_m, y_1,...,y_p]$. Define $\mathcal{M_{n}}:=\bigoplus_{a\ge 0}\mathcal{M}_{(a,n)}$. Then, the author claimed that $\mathcal{M_{n}}$ is a graded module over $A[x_1,...,x_m]$.
Now, the author claimed that if $m=0$, then $\mathcal{M_{n}}$ has only finitely many graded component.
My question is : How do we prove that it has only finitely many graded component ?