Let $X$ be a compact metric Borel space. Suppose $\mu_{n}(A)\rightarrow\mu(A)$ for all $\mu-$continuity sets $A$ (sets with zero boundary measure), where $\mu_{n}$ is a sequence of probability measures. (some people call it weak other weak* convergence)
If $E$ is a measurable set such that $\mu(E)>0$ and the Cesaro average of $\mu_{n}(E)$ converges; can we conclude that $\mu_{n}(E)$ converges?
Can we conclude this with extra hypothesis?
I am particularly interested in the case when $T:X\rightarrow X$ is a continuous transformation, $\mu_{n}=T^{n}\mu_{1},$ and $E=\cap T^{-i}A_{i}$ where $A_{i}$ is a sequence of $\mu-$continuity sets.