Is there a smooth funtion $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{C}$ such that
(a) $f(x)$ decreases faster than $e^{-e^x}$ when $x\to \infty$,
(b) $\widehat{f}(t)$ decreases faster than $e^{-|t|}$ when $t\to \pm\infty$?
Note there is no restriction on $f(x)$ for $x\to -\infty$ except that it decay fast enough for the Fourier transform $\widehat{f}$ to be well defined. The function $f_\epsilon(x) = e^{\epsilon x - e^x}$, $\epsilon>0$, decays almost a fast as $e^{-e^x}$ for $x\to \infty$ and $\widehat{f_\epsilon}(t)$ decays roughly as $e^{-|t|}$ for $t\to \pm \infty$ -- so I am really asking whether one can defeat $f_\epsilon$ on both the physical and Fourier aspect.
PS. Yes, this does come from a Mellin transform, as the double exponential probably gives away.