The Malgrange preparation theorem,which is the $C^{\infty}$ version of the classical Weierstrass preparation theorem,says that if $f(t,x)$ is a $C^{\infty}$ function of $(t,x)\in\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ near $(0,0)$ which satisfies $$ f=\frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{t}}=\cdots =\frac{\partial^{k-1}{f}}{\partial{t^{k-1}}}=0\quad \frac{\partial^{k}{f}}{\partial{t^{k}}}\ne 0\quad\text{at}(0,0) $$ Then there exists a factorization $$ f(t,x)=c(t,x)(t^{k}+a_{k-1}(x)t^{k-1}+\cdots +a_{0}(x)) $$ where $a_j$ and $c$ are $C^{\infty}$ functions near $0$ and $(0,0)$ respectively,$c(0,0)\ne 0$ and $a_{j}(0)=0$.As a corollary, there is a division thereom just like the Weierstrass formula.However, unlike the analytic case,this factorization is not unique.The result is said to be highly non-trival even when $k=1$,the difficulty is then the zeros may be lost,For example,$t^{2}+x$ has two real zeros when $x<0$ but none when $x>0$.The proof can be seen in Theorem 7.5.6 in Hormander's The Analysis of linear partial differential operators.
My question is What's the use of Malgrange preparation theorem in mathematics?Is this a verey useful formula in analysis ? Can anyone take some examples to apply this theorem?(In hormander's book,this is used in the method of Stationary Phase).
A quick google search shows that there is also a algebraic version which can be restated as a theorem about modules over rings of smooth, real-valued germs.