While preparing some lecture notes, I had a basic point of confusion come up that I haven't been able to settle.
The $BP$-Adams spectral sequence (or $p$-local Adams-Novikov spectral sequence) for the sphere begins with $E_2$-page $$E_2^{*, *} = \operatorname{Ext}^{*, *}_{BP_* BP}(BP_*, BP_*)$$ and converges to $\pi_* \mathbb{S} \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} \mathbb{Z}_{(p)}$.
There are a variety of cool periodicities visible in this $E_2$-page, which we can organize via the following secondary spectral sequence. There is an ascending chain of $(BP_* BP)$-invariant ideals for $BP_*$ given by $I_r = (p, v_1, \ldots, v_{r-1})$, connected to one another by the short exact sequences $$0 \to BP_* / I_r^\infty \to v_r^{-1} BP_* / I_r^\infty \to BP_* / I_{r+1}^\infty \to 0.$$ The quotient $BP_* / I_r^\infty$ is thought of as the closed substack of the moduli of formal groups detected by the ideal sheaf corresponding to $I_r$ together with its formal neighborhood inside the parent stack. Applying $\operatorname{Ext}$ and stringing the resulting long exact sequences together, one arrives at the (trigraded) chromatic spectral sequence (CSS): $$E_1^{r, *, *} = \operatorname{Ext}^{*, *}_{BP_* BP}(BP_*, v_r^{-1} BP_* / I_r^\infty) \Rightarrow \operatorname{Ext}^{*, *}_{BP_* BP}(BP_*, BP_*).$$ Much of the fun in chromatic homotopy theory after this point comes from identifying the groups in this $E_1$-page as other sorts of things, like certain group cohomologies.
Shifting gears somewhat, Bousfield localization at the Johnson-Wilson $E(r)$-theories and the Morava $K(r)$-theories is meant to perform the same organization at the level of homotopy types. The spectra $E(\infty)$ and $E(0)$ correspond to $BP$ and to $H\mathbb{Q}$ respectively, so the sequence of localization functors $L_{E(r)}$ are meant to interpolate between rational homotopy theory and the sort of homotopy theory visible to the $p$-local Adams-Novikov spectral sequence.
There are two ways to study these functors as $r$ increases. First, there there is a natural map $L_{E(r)} X \to L_{E(r-1)} X$. Its homotopy fiber detects the difference between these two spectra, denoted $M_r X$ and called the $r$th monochromatic layer of $X$. Second, there is a pullback square, dubbed chromatic fracture: $$\begin{array}{ccc} L_{E(r)} X & \to & L_{K(r)} X \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ L_{E(r-1)} X & \to & L_{E(r-1)} L_{K(r)} X. \end{array}$$ In both of these situations, you can hope to inductively study the filtering spectra $L_{E(r)} X$ by studying the "filtration layers", which are either $M_r X$ or $L_{K(r)} X$ depending upon your approach.
My question is: How exactly do these two approaches connect to the chromatic spectral sequence?
I suspect that the CSS for $L_{E(R)} X$ looks like the CSS for $X$, after quotienting out the information in $r$-degrees $r > R$. I also suspect that the CSS for one of the two of $M_R X$ and $L_{K(R)} X$ looks like that for $L_{E(R)} X$, after additionally quotienting out the information in $r$-degrees $r < R$. However, I can't seem to make the pieces line up. For instance, Prop. 7.4 of Hopkins, Mahowald, and Sadofsky's Constructions of elements in Picard groups suggests that this description holds for $L_{K(R)} \mathbb{S}$, as that statement matches their Adams-Novikov spectral sequence converging to $\pi_* L_{K(R)} \mathbb{S}$ --- just as one would expect from a collapsing chromatic spectral sequence. On the other hand, the bottom corner of the fracture square is of the form $L_{E(R-1)} L_{K(R)} X$, and this description seems to say that its CSS is empty, which doesn't sound right.
I'd appreciate someone setting me straight about this. Thanks!