In the preprint arXiv:math/0505432v1 by Batyrev and Kreuser I have found (on pages 2 and 10) the claim that "by a recent result of Kresch and Vistoli [arXiv:math/0301249]" the (usual) Brauer group of a Calabi-Yau threefold is isomorphic to its cohomological Brauer group. However, in that preprint of Kresch and Vistoli I have not found a word about Calabi-Yau or anything. (Admittedly, it is about Brauer groups). Could anyone help me to clear the mess?
P.S. For what I know, if there is always an isomorphism is a big open problem which is only settled in a few special cases. So, I suppose, if this is known indeed for Calabi-Yau threefolds (for 10 years by now), then every expert must be aware of it.