$\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z}$
$\newcommand{\T}{\mathbb T}$
It is well know that the Poisson boundary of simple random walk on graph is not invariant under quasi isometries. Here's a construction:
Take $\Z^4$ and notice that (1) Its Poisson boundary is trivial (i.e. it is Liouville) and (2) a random walk starting anywhere on the line $L=\{(n,0,0,0)\mid n\in\Z \}$ has positive probability to never hit this line.
Let $\T=\{0,1\}^*$ be the infinite binary tree and let $S$ be the set of balanced vertices, that is, vertices with the same number of 0s and 1s in their name. Connect the vertices of $S$ with those of $L$ in an arbitrary 1-1 manner. Call the resulting graph $G$.
Now, a random walk on $G$, started anywhere in the tree, will hit $S$ almost surely. When it does, there is a positive probability for it to be absorbed in the $\Z^4$ part (i.e. to stay there forever). If this doesn't happen, then the walk will just hit $S$ again and again until it is absorbed. Since $\Z^4$ was Liouville, we get that $G$ is also Liouville.
However, consider the graph $G'$ which is identical to $G$ except that we replace each right going edge of the tree $\T$ with a path of length 2. This new graph is clearly quasi-isometric to $G$, but now there is a positive probability that the random walk will never hit $S$ and stay in the tree part of the graph forever. This give rises to a non-constant, bounded harmonic function $f(v)$ which is simply the probability of a random walk started at $v$ to be absorbed in $\Z^4$.