Having the cycles and boundaries of degree one, it's possible to construct a cohomology class in $H^2(X)$ that corresponds to your torsion element. This is explained in the following:
1. Homological algebra
Let $(C,d)$ be a chain complex of free abelian groups, $G$ an abelian group and let
$$\varphi: Ext(H_{q-1}(C),G) \to H^q(C,G)$$ be the monomorphism from UCT. An inspection of
the proof in [Spanier: Algebraic Topology, Theorem 5.5.3] reveals: Set $Z_q = \ker(d_g)$, $B_{q-1}=\text{im}(d_q)$. Then there is an exact sequence
$$\text{Hom}(Z_{q-1},G) \to \text{Hom}(B_{q-1},G) \to Ext(H_{q-1}(C),G) \to 0.\hspace{50pt}(\ast)$$
If $e \in Ext(H_{q-1}(C),G)$ is represented by $f: B_{q-1} \to G\;$ then
$\varphi(e) \in H^q(C,G)$ is represented by the cycle $f \circ d_q: C_q \to G$.
2. The finitely generated case
For simplicity let's assume each $C_q$ has finite rank. Let $\alpha \in H_{q-1}(C)=Z_{q-1}/B_{q-1}$
be a generator of a direct summand of order $n$. Choose a representative $x \in Z_{q-1}$
of $\alpha$. We can find decompositions $Z_{q-1} = Z' \bigoplus \mathbb{Z}x,\;B_{q-1}=B' \oplus \mathbb{Z}nx$ with $B' \le Z'$. Let $f: B_{q-1} \to \mathbb{Z},\;f|B'=0,\;f(nx)=1$. Then $f$ represents $e \in Ext(H_{q-1},\mathbb{Z})$ via $(\ast)$ and $e$ corresponds to $\alpha$ under the non-canonical isomorphism $Ext(H_{q-1}(C),\mathbb{Z}) \cong H_{q-1}(C)_{tor}$. By 1., $h=f \circ d_q: C_q \to \mathbb{Z}$ is a cocycle that represents $\varphi(e)$.
3. An example
Let $X$ be the CW-complex in exercise 4 with $\Pi_1(X)=Q_8$ (quaternion group) and let $C=C(X)$ be the cellular chain complex. $X$ has 0-cells $x, y$, 1-cells $a,b,c,d$, 2-cells $p, q, r$ and one 3-cell. The boundary operator is given by:
Set $A = a-b,\; B = a-c,\;C=a-d$. Then $Z_1 = \langle A,B,C\rangle$ and $B_1 = \langle A-B+C,2B,2C \rangle$.
Hence $B$ represents a homology class in $H_1(X)$ of order 2. Define $f: B_1 \to \mathbb{Z}$ by $$f(A-B+C)=0,\; f(2B)=1,\; f(2C)=0.$$ Now by 2., the cocycle $h=f \circ d_2$:
represents a cohomology class in $H^2(X)$ of order 2.
Remark: Note that we didn't need to consider $d_3: C_3 \to C_2$ in order to construct our torsion class in $H^2(X)$. This, in contrast, would be necessary if we computed $H^2(X)$ directly.