Dear Simone,
This is just a comment.
The answer to your question, if one exists, is surely that there exist universal polynomials $p_j^r$ ($1 \leq j \leq r = {\rm rank} E$) in the Chern classes of the vector bundle $E \to X$ such that
\int_X p_j{}^r(c_1(E), \dots, c_j(E)) \wedge \omega^{n-j} > 0
for all $j$ implies that the bundle $E$ is ample. Here "universal" means that the polynomials in question only depend on the dimension $n$, but otherwise not on the variety $X$. For line bundles, these polynomials are known and are, as you wrote, $p_j{}^1(x) = x^j$ for all $j$.
The problem is that the condition you wrote for line bundles is a corollary of a more general theorem of father, one that characterizes Kahler classes amongst real $(1,1)$-classes. Our hope of approaching the problem should thus be to find suitable positivity criterion for higher degree classes. The ideal outcome would be a higher rank version of the Kodaira condition; so we'd know that if a "degree vector" $(u_1, \dots,u_r)$ of integral cohomology classes satisfies some conditions, then there exists an ample vector bundle $E$ of rank $r$ such that $c_j(E) = u_j$ (compare with $L$ ample iff $c_1(L)$ Kahler and integral). The trouble is that finding these conditions amounts to finding the universal polynomials $p_j{}^r$, and thus answering a much more general question.
In short, we have no idea what a "positivity condition" for a collection of cohomology classes $(u_1, \ldots, u_r)$ looks like. I agree with your approach of simplifying the problem and starting the search for these on complex tori. However, I think that if we knew the answer on complex tori, we'd know it on general complex manifolds too.