I recently came across divided power algebras here: http://amathew.wordpress.com/2012/05/27/lazards-theorem-ii/ It interests me because the free divided power algebra on one variable $x$, where $x^{(i)}$ models $x^i/i!$, seems like a good way of handling exponential and exponential-type series. (Divided power algebras that aren't generated by a single variable are more complicated to axiomatize, so I will stick to the one-variable case).
Quick summary: A system of divided powers for an element $x$ in an associative unital ring $R$ associates to each nonnegative integer $n$ a ring element $x^{(n)}$ with $x^{(0)} = 1$ and $x^{(1)} = x$ and satisfying the following condition for all $i,j \ge 0$:
$$x^{(i)}x^{(j)} = \binom{i + j}{i} x^{(i + j)}$$
As we can see, if $R$ is an algebra over the rationals, the obvious (and unique!) choice is to set $x^{(i)} = x^i/i!$ for all $i$.
Suppose I am interested in finding some $x^{[i]}$ that models $x^i/i$ instead of $x^i/i!$, i.e., I am interested in the kind of terms that appear in the expansions of logarithmic and inverse trig series. My best guess for the right analogue to consider is this: $x^{[i]}$ is defined for all positive integers $i$ with $x^{[1]} = x$ and satisfy the following condition. For each $i,j > 0$, write $ij/(i + j)$ as a reduced fraction $r/s$. Then, we must have:
$$rx^{[i]}x^{[j]} = sx^{[i + j]}$$
I'd like to know whether this structure has been studied in the past, and/or what names have been given to the structure in question. Also, I'd be interested if anybody has opinions on whether the above is a reasonable way of trying to model $x^i/i$.