Some time ago the journal "Algebra and Analysis" (English translation is published in "St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal") had a special section which was called "easy readings for professional mathematicians", which tried to present in accessible and interesting way some ideas. It seems now this section is discontinued unfortunately.
So my question is the following: are there some journals which publish "easy readings"? Or may be there are some collections somewhere else on web?
PS May be some recommendations for concrete "easy reading" papers are also valuable.
PSPS As a kind of bigger and vaguer ingredient of the question, let me add the following: do you feel some over-representation of some hard-to-read papers over some beautiful and short papers? If mathematics is "mainly about follow-ups" it seems it makes progress more difficult, can something be changed or nothing ? One of reasons is probably the gap between "thinking and explaining", however as Gil Kalai answered he does not feel much gap, in part due to "Part of the reasons is being involved in semi-formal Internet acticities like blogs, polymath projects, MO, etc., ", this I think gives some hope that giving a bigger weight to user-friendly ways of communication may improve readability of papers...