Let $G$ be a finite group and $k$ a field. In modular representation theory the Brauer correspondence establishes a bijection between the isomorphism classes of indecomposable $kG$-modules with trivial source and vertex $P$ and the isomorphism classes of non-zero projective indecomposable $k[N_G(P)/P]$-modules. This bijection is induced by the Brauer map $$M \mapsto \operatorname{Br}_P(M) := \frac{M^P}{\sum_Q tr_{Q}^P (M^Q)}$$ $(Q < P)$ where $M^P$ are the $P$-invariants and $tr^P_Q: M^Q \to M^P,\;\; m \mapsto \sum_{g \in P/Q}gm$ is the trace map. This was proved in Theorem 3.2 of the paper
M. Broué: On Scott Modules and p-Permutation Modules: An Approach through the Brauer Morphism. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 93(1985), 401-408
and the statement can also be found in this paper of M. Wildon (end of p. 12).
However, to my understanding, Broué's proof doesn't show that if $M_1,M_2$ aren't ismorphic then $\operatorname{Br}_P(M_1), \operatorname{Br}_P(M_2)$ aren't isomorphic as well (as $k[N_G(P)/P]$-modules).
Question: Does someone know, if the Brauer correspondence $[M] \mapsto [\operatorname{Br}_P(M)]$ ($[-]$ denotes isomorphism classes) is injective ? If so, a proof or a reference which contains a proof is also welcome.
Let me just explain why I think Broué's proof doesn't show injectivity in full strenght: He decomposes $kG \otimes_{kP}k = \bigoplus_{i=1}^n M_i$ into indecomposable $kG$-Modules whereby the ones with vertex $P$ are exactly those such that $\operatorname{Br}_P(M_i) \neq 0$. Assume this holds for $i=1,...m$. Then $$k[N_G(P)/P] = \operatorname{Br}_P(kG \otimes_Pk)= \bigoplus_{i=1}^m \operatorname{Br}_P(M_i)$$ and the $\operatorname{Br}_P(M_i),\;(i=1,...m)$ can be shown to be indecomposable. Since every indecomposable projective $k[N_G(P)/P]$-module is isomorphic to a direct summand of $k[N_G(P)/P]$, the Brauer correspondence is surely surjective.
However, to my understanding, it may happen that $M_i,M_j$ aren't isomorphic, but $\operatorname{Br}_P(M_i) \cong \operatorname{Br}_P(M_j)$ (i.e. this summand has multiplicity $>1$ in $k[N_G(P)/P])$.