A recent question Random Reidemeister moves to unknot contains a link to the paper http://www.ams.org/journals/jams/2001-14-02/S0894-0347-01-00358-7/S0894-0347-01-00358-7.pdf, in which J. Hass and J. Lagarias show that one can transform any unknot diagram with $n$ crossings into the standard unknot diagram using not more than $2^{cn}$ Reidemeister moves, with $c=10^{11}$.
[As an aside: this is quite a large bound, so the first thing that comes to mind when one looks at it is a computer falling apart with all its atoms decaying long before it manages to untie a diagram with a single crossing. As far as I understand, for those diagrams the algorithm works faster, but still it is probably impractical for untying knots that can't be untied by trial and error.]
It seems plausible that the methods of Hass and Lagarias can be adapted to give a similar explicit upper bound for the number of the Reidemeister moves needed to transform two diagrams representing isotopic links into one another. I would like to ask whether this is indeed the case, and if so, whether there is a reference for that.
A related question: given a nonnegative integer $n$, is it possible to estimate from above the minimal $m$ such that any two link diagrams with $\leq n$ crossings that represent isotopic links can be connected by a sequence of diagrams with $\leq m$ crossings such that each is obtained from the preceding one by a Reidemeister move?