Here I consider $G$ a connected Lie group, which is assumed to be linear (i.e. embeddable in some $GL_n(\mathbb{R})$, and $X$ a homogeneous space under $G$. Fix a point $x\in X$, one considers the map $m:G\rightarrow X$ sending $g$ to $g(x)$.
Does the left (or right) invariant volume form on $G$ passes to an invariant volume form on $X$, under the pushing forward along $m$? Here by pushing forward along $m$, I mean the measure $\mu$ on $X$, such that for a continuous function $f$ of compact support, one has $$\int_X f(x)d\mu(x):=\int_G f(m(g))dg$$, $dg$ being the left (or right) Haar measure on $G$.
It seems that one needs to assume that the isotropy subgroup of $x$ in $G$ is compact. Does it matter if $G$ is not unimodular?
Many thanks.