Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a convex polytope in $\mathbb{R}^{D}$ with $K$-facets $F_{1},\ldots,F_{K}$. I denote the normal vector of the $k^\mathrm{th}$ facet as $\mathbf{w}\_k=(w_{k1},\ldots,w_{kD})$.
In the sequel, I will use $k$ as the index of $K$ facets and $d$ as the index of $D$ dimensions. Namely, $d\in \{1,\ldots,D\}$ and $k\in \{1,\ldots,K\}$.
Let $\mathbf{p}=(p_{1},\ldots,p_{D})$ be a point in $\mathbb{R}^{D}$. Define
$L_{d}=\{\mathbf{p}+\theta\mathbf{u}_{d}|\theta\in \mathbb{R}\},$
where $\mathbf{u}_{d}$ is the vector of the form $(0,\ldots,0,1,0,\ldots,0)$ with a $1$ only at the $d^{\mathrm{th}}$ dimension.
For $k=1,\ldots, K$, define
$G_{k}=\{d|L_{d}\cap F_{k}\neq \emptyset\}.$
Define $f:\mathbb{R}^{D}\times\mathbb{R}^{D}\rightarrow [0,1]$ as
My conjecture
For any $\mathbf{p}\in \mathrm{int}\mathcal{C}$, there exist $d$ and $k$ such that $d\in G_{k}$ and $f(\mathbf{u}\_{d},\mathbf{w}\_{k})=\max \{f(\mathbf{u}\_{1},\mathbf{w}\_{k}),\ldots,f(\mathbf{u}\_{D},\mathbf{w}\_{k})\}$.
Can anyone provide a counterexample?
An illustrative example in $\mathbb{R}^2$
In particular, if we restrict ourself in $\mathbb{R}^2$, the above conjecture can be restated as follows:
Let $p$ be a point in the interior of a convex polygon $\mathcal{C}$. Let $L_x$ and $L_y$ be two lines through $p$, which are parallel to $x$-axis and $y$-axis respectively. Consider all acute angles at intersections of $L_x$ $L_y$ and $\partial \mathcal{C}$, there is at least one angle $\geq$45°.
The figure below gives an example.
I haven't found any counterexample in $\mathbb{R}^2$, and that's why I'm considering to generalise this conjecture into high dimensional space.
Finally, any problem reformulation is also welcome.