The answer to your first question is no. We will show there is a null Vitali set in Cohen's first model $M.$
Recall that in $M,$ there is an infinite (but Dedekind finite) set $A$ of mutually Cohen reals, with the property that for any $r \in \mathcal{P}^M(\omega),$ there is $a \in A^{<\omega}$ such that $r \in L[a].$ Let $X_n$ be the set of $r \in \mathcal{P}^M(\omega)$ for which there are $c_1, \ldots, c_n \in A$ such that $r \in L[c_1, \ldots, c_n].$ We will show $X_n$ is null.
Fix $a_1, \ldots, a_{n+1} \in A.$ Identify $a_i$ as an element of $\omega^{\omega}$ and let $\{I_q^m\}_{m=1}^{\infty}$ enumerate the rational open intervals of length $q.$ Let $U_j^{a_i}=\bigcup_{k<\omega} I_{1/(j2^k)}^{a_i(k)},$ an open set of measure at most $\frac{2}{j}.$
Now fix $x \in X_n$ and $c_1, \ldots, c_n \in A$ such that $x \in L[c_1, \ldots, c_n].$ There is an $a_i \not \in \{c_1, \ldots, c_n\}.$ Since $a_i$ is Cohen over $L[c_1, \ldots, c_n],$ we have that $x \in U_j^{a_i}$ for all $j.$ Thus, $X_n \subset \bigcup_{i=1}^{n+1} \bigcap_{j=1}^{\infty} U_j^{a_i},$ so it is null.
Let $W=\bigcup_{n<\omega} \{x \in [0, 2^{-n}]: \exists i \in \mathbb{Z} \cap [-2^n, 2^n] (x+\frac{i}{2^n} \in X_n)\} \subset [0, 1].$ This is a null set since outside any $[0, \epsilon]$ it is a finite union of null sets. Furthermore, it is easy to check that $W$ meets every mod $\mathbb{Q}$ class.
It is an old theorem of Feferman that there is a Vitali set in $M,$ with which we can canonically enumerate each mod $\mathbb{Q}$ class. Thus there is a Vitali set $V \subset W,$ which is clearly null.