First, I'm assuming that your nonconvex feasible set $D$ is a subset of some larger convex set $C$ on which the objective function $f(x)$ is defined. It doesn't really make sense to talk about $f(x)$ being convex without its being defined on some convex set.
Also, to specify the projected (sub)gradient algorithm more precisely, you have to give a step size selection rule. For example, you might use
x_{k+1} = x_{k}= -\alpha_{k} \nabla f(x_{k})
where $\alpha_{k}=1/k$.
There are proofs of convergence for the projected subgradient descent method on convex feasible sets for various step size rules.
In general this doesn't work on a nonconvex feasible set. The proof of convergence on a convex feasible set constructs a sequence of solutions which converges to an optimal solution, Although there certainly will be such a sequence in $C$, it might not exist in $D$.
For example, let
Let $D$ be the set $\{ -1,2 \}$. If we start at $x_1=2$, then the projected subgradient algorithm with the step size rule above produces the sequence $x_{2}=2$, $x_{3}=2$, $\ldots$, which doesn't converge to the the minimum at $x=-1$.